About the game...
The Sims 3 is an upcoming strategic life simulation computer game in the popular and critically acclaimed The Sims franchise, originally created by Maxis. A collector's box will also be available, which comes with a free sports car download, a sticker sheet, and a 2GB Plumbob shaped USB drive. In contrast to the previous versions, the houses and neighborhoods will be seamless, allowing players to explore and interact with their neighborhood without loading time. The game is currently available for pre-order.Required
- Mac OS X 10.5.7 Leopard or higher
- CPU:Intel Core Duo.
- Memory: 2 GB.
- Hard Drive Space: At least 6.1 GB of hard drive space, with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content and saved games.
- Graphics Hardware: ATI X1600 or Nvidia 7300 GT with 128 MB of Video RAM, or Intel Integrated GMA X3100.
- Windows
- CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent;
2.0GHz (XP);
2.4GHz (Vista). - Memory: 1 GB (XP);
1.5GB (Vista). - Hard Drive Space: 6.5GB of free space and 1GB for additional content.
- Graphics Hardware: DirectX 9.0c compliant card with 128 MB RAM (NVIDIA FX 5900/ATI 9500 or better) and support for Pixel Shader 2.0.
- Sound Hardware: 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card.
- Windows (using Built-in Graphics Chipset)
- CPU : Intel Pentium D 2.6GHz, 1.8GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent.
- Memory: 1.5GB (XP);
2GB (Vista).
By: Michael Chalita
2 comentários:
I've just loved it ! I've bought all the Sims's games until the last expansion pack of sims 2. unfortunately, I had to stop playing it because I was spendig too much time in front of the pc. However, I'll have to have this one as well.
Great post!
But don't forget to sign it!!
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